Reading Time: 1 minutes

Intercultural training drives innovation and employee retention. Without intercultural training, 67% of employees say they are unhappy with their personal situation due to adaptation problems in the new culture and they are also unhappy at work. A decline in productivity, sick days, and ultimately handing in their resignation and breaking off an assignment causes not only huge costs, but also leads to fewer people wanting to go on an assignment.

In today’s world, no company can afford to not being able to maintain business abroad due to a lack of qualified employees. Intercultural training is not a band-aid or a nice-to-have, but an absolute necessity for international success.

Our training programs help employees to acquire the behavioral and communication competencies that facilitate learning beyond the training program. Smooth adaptation to the new environment and continuous support for the first 6-12 months are what makes our program so efficient.

Book a trial session with us to learn more.

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Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash